The mission of the UAMA is to undertake those activities that can be pursued more effectively by an Association than individual companies in order to enable the industry to freely create and market safe, productive abrasive products throughout the world.
To accomplish this mission, the UAMA will:
• Foster industry growth, competitiveness and technology.
• Support the design and production of safe products.
• Support and publish legitimate technical research.
• Collect and disseminate industry statistics.
• Facilitate exchanges of information and idea among its members.
• Encourage the industry’s commitment to protecting the environment.
• Represent the industry with national and international, technical and regulatory groups to develop standards for product design and safety.
• Develop programs that assist members in their ability to train their employees, market their products and services, improve the efficiency and profitability of their operations and enhance their partnerships with customers and suppliers.
The Unified Abrasives Manufacturers’ Association was formed in 1999 from the merging of four predecessor organizations: the Abrasive Grain Association, Coated Abrasives Manufacturers’ Institute, Diamond Wheel Manufacturers’ Institute and the Grinding Wheel Institute.
The new organization maintains a four-committee structure that allows for members to focus on the portion of the Abrasives Industry that is most pertinent to their company. A Board of Trustees elected from the membership governs the UAMA.