Safety Guide for Grinding Wheels
- DO check all wheels for cracks or other damage before mounting
- DO make sure the machine speed does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel
- DO use an ANSI B7.1 wheel guard. Position it so it protects the operator.
- DO be sure wheel hole or threads fit machine arbor properly and that the flanges are clean, flat, undamaged, and the proper type.
- DO run wheel in a protected area for one minute before grinding.
- DO wear ANSI Z87+ safety glasses and additional eye and face protection, if required.
- DO employ dust controls and/or protective measures appropriate to the material being ground.
- DO comply with OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1926.1153 when working on materials containing crystalline silica such as concrete, mortar and stone.
- DO hold grinder firmly with two hands.
- DO cut in a straight line only when using cutting wheels.
- DO support work-piece firmly.
- DO read the machine manual, operating instructions and warnings.
- DO read SDS for the wheel and the work-piece material.
- DON’T allow untrained people to handle, store, mount or use wheels.
- DON’T use grinding or cutting wheels on pistol grip air sanders
- DON’T use wheels which have been dropped or damaged.
- DON’T use a wheel on grinders rotating at speeds higher than the MAX RPM marked on the wheel or on grinders that do not show a MAX RPM speed.
- DON’T use excessive pressure when mounting a wheel. Tighten enough only to hold wheel firmly.
- DON’T alter a wheel hole or force it on a spindle.
- DON’T mount more than one wheel on an arbor.
- DON’T use any Type 1/41 or 27/42 cutting wheel for grinding. DO not apply any side pressure on a cutting wheel. Use for CUTTING ONLY.
- DON’T use a cutting wheel to cut curves. Cut in straight lines only.
- DON’T twist, bend or jam any wheel.
- DON’T force or bump wheel so that the tool motor slows or stalls.
- DON’T remove or modify any guard. ALWAYS use a proper guard.
- DON’T use wheels in the presence of combustible materials.
- DON’T use wheels near bystanders if they are not wearing protective equipment.
- DON’T use wheels for applications other than for which they were designed. Refer to ANSI B7.1 and wheel manufacturer.
These rules are designed as a guide for the individual user of grinding wheels whether he be in the employ of a large corporation or in the confines of his home workshop. It is based on the premise that grinding is a safe operation when a few basic rules are followed. These rules are based on material contained in the American National Standards Institute Safety Requirements B7.1 — “Use, Care & Protection of Abrasive Wheels.” Follow them.
Printable Resources:
Icon Library
Member companies of the Unified Abrasives Manufacturers Association (UAMA) have adopted a standardized set of safety icons to be used on portable abrasive grinding and cutting wheels. The purpose is to have a standard set of icon based safety symbols to be used across North America, regardless of manufacturer. This will provide a consistency in the warning message and standardization of safety information appearance.
Hazard Alert Icon: This type of safety icon conveys information primarily related to the nature of a hazard. It contains a graphical depiction of the hazard drawn within a yellow equilateral triangle.
Prohibition Icon: This type of safety icon conveys actions that should not be taken. It consists of a red circular band with a 45° diagonal red band from upper left to lower right. The icon contains a black depiction of what should not be done within the red band on a white background
Mandatory Action Icon: This type of safety icon conveys actions that should be taken to avoid hazards. If consist of a white image within a solid blue or black circular surround shape.
Portable abrasive wheels come in a variety of shapes, sizes and appearances. Because of these limitations, some wheels may have more or fewer icons than others. Also, some icons may be grouped to convey more information in a smaller space, such as: safety glasses, hearing protection and a dust mask combined into a single icon.
When multiple icons appear on a wheel, ALL of the icons must be complied with. For example, if a wheel has a safety glasses icon and a face shield icon, the face shield must be worn along with the safety glasses.
The manufacturing process of some wheels may preclude the use of multi-color blotters and labels. In these cases, the icons can be printed in two contrasting colors such as black and white.
Some manufacturers may show a machine icon to depict the proper tool and use. Some common machine icons are also shown in the proper use section.
Proper Use icon: This type of icon is designed to show the use of the wheel on a proper machine. The icon can be a bit more realistic to show components such as a safety guard and an auxiliary. The recommended angle of use may also be depicted.
Hazard Alert and Prohibition Icons

No cutting. Side grinding only.

Mandatory Action Icons

Proper Use Icons